New Wheel

In 1974 I spent $175.00 for a brand new potter's wheel. It was a lot of money for a college graduate without a high paying job, but I was interested in upgrading from a stand up, homemade treadle wheel that was gifted to me right after high school. I researched types of wheels. I looked at buying a kick wheel kit and casting my own fly wheel. But I didn't want to deal with the weight and I was still living in apartments. Creative Industries had the cheapest electric wheel on the market at the time and that tipped the scale. 40+ years later, five relocations and hundreds and hundreds pounds of clay, the wheel looked like this. The wheel has been a real work horse. The only maintenance I have done on this wheel for the past 40 years is a little cleaning and greasing the wheel bearing's through the zerk fitting. When the photo was taken I was deep into making. There was one problem with this wheel that was a constant; the splash pan. It was merely a hor...