Firing Results-2-24-2013
The snow stayed away long enough to finally fill and fire the kiln. Over the three first weekends in February, New Hampshire was visited with snow storms during the first few weekends. The kiln couldn't get loaded in the snow but on Saturday, February 24th, we received a reprieve from the snow gods and were able to load the kiln. My kiln partner, fired the kiln on Sunday, February 25th.
Today, we unloaded the kiln.
The picture on the left is the first lowest level of the kiln. The teapots on this level have three different glazes applied. The teapot on the far back of the shelf is covered with Tenmoku glaze. The middle teapot is covered with Persimmon Blue and the front teapot and tea bowl are covered with a (new for me)Willie Helix green.
The picture on the right shows the second level and portions of the lower level. The bottom left is filled with mugs that are covered in Persimmon Blue.
The second level is all Carbon-Trapping Shino.
The left picture below is the entire kiln load. The top right shelf was loaded with mugs and one tea bowl covered with Willie Helix green. the teapot in the front is covered with carbon-trapping Shino. One mug on the top sheld (barely visible behind the tea bowl), was covered with Persimmon Blue. It was switched with a mug on the bottom left shelf (in front) to gauge how Willie Helix behaved at different levels of the kiln. (See if you see spot the mug exchange in the pictures above with the one below.) The left shelf contains one tea bowl with Carbon-Trapping Shino and three small Matcha Whisk holders.
The picture to the right is the same shot of the kiln after the firing was complete. A more detailed view of the results are below:
Comments about the firing. The top level experienced a high degree of carbon-trapping compared to the second level. The bottom of this kiln consistently fires much hotter than the top level as represented by the firing cones.
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